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- 2324Y00F05goghb23Y00J1Y00C2N"I WANT TO BE A LAW ENFORCER"
- 1614Y00F05roman16NThe Moving Story of Jimmy Gregory Feathersby.
- 1518Y00F04ruby15Y00C6NPart 1
- 2421Y00F07bookman24Y00C2NMelee & Jude
- 2401N
- 0824Y00F05prime08Y00J0Y00C5NJimmy Gregory Feathersby (or Jim to his many friends) was the first child of
- 0801NMr and Mrs Feathersby, at the time models who wanted to start a family.
- 0801NAfter his birth his parents were at first deterred in having another child,
- 0801Nafter Jimmy, but they persisted and their second child Justine possessed many
- 0801Nof the traits loved in Jimmy (but not to such a great extent). Jimmy first
- 0801Nattended a local nursery school, but after a mysterious occasion when all the
- 0801Nmirrors in the nursery broke Jimmy was blamed. The staff at the nursery
- 0801Nordered that Jimmy either be fumigated and wear a paper bag to nursery or no
- 0801Nlonger attend. His parents, unable to afford the fumigation fees or the cost
- 0801Nof a paper bag withdrew him from the premises and were forced, unwillingly to
- 0801Nhave the boy at home. It came as a great relief when Jimmy finally made it
- 0801Ninto Primary School and some of his friends recall him vividly...
- 0801N
- 0801N"Kick him in the head as well" - This was the sound that Jimmy grew up with
- 0801Nat Jarrowfields School recalls Mr X (who declined to be referred to with
- 0801Npossible reference to Jim). I remember a funny incident which left me on the
- 0801Nfloor laughing...I was told to walk up to Jimmy and punch him in the groin.
- 0801NI walked up saying
- 0801N"Hello Jimmy", SMACK! "gotcha, ya little crud"(said I to Jimmy). Jimmy
- 0801Njumped up and down clutching his bruised groin and shouting
- 0801N"Ahhh, my head". I pointed out to Jimmy that I hadn't punched him in the
- 0801Nhead but it was all the same to Jimmy.
- 0801N
- 0801NAs time went by and we slowly went through primary school everybody was
- 0801Nbeginning to know what Jimmy's 'personal' signs were. These included shit
- 0801Nshoes, soiled pants (on several occasions when he was caught out in assembly
- 0801Nor at dinner. Once when he was running about in the playground and a thick
- 0801Nliquid was seen protruding from his shorts and dripping down his boney legs)
- 0801Nand a very poor curly hair-do which eventually became the 'locks' we know
- 0801Ntoday. Jimmy was a friend in that he brought us food and drink when we asked
- 0801Nand he never talked back and only spoke when spoken to (as it should be).
- 0801NGrowing up with Jimmy as his body slowly developed (a process that is still
- 0801Nin the process of starting) was an experience to remember."
- 0801N
- 0801NWe spoke to many fellow students of Jimmy and all remember something of him
- 0801Nat Primary School...
- 0801N"Well Jimmy, what can I say. I suppose I didn't really notice him at primary
- 0801Nschool, I physically forced myself not to notice him. I shut him out, it was
- 0801Nhard and painful. I might not have had breathing down my neck (and belching
- 0801Nand passing wind), but I missed out on the laughs with the others kids at
- 0801NJim's misfortunes. I do remember this one time though when we went to the
- 0801Nlake district for a few days. The air was fresh up there and the teachers
- 0801Nbelieved it was a place that they could spend time with Jimmy and try to
- 0801Nunderstand what was inside him. We slept in dormitories and I remember we
- 0801Nwere dead annoyed cause no one but Jimmy could sleep. We devised a system
- 0801Nthat involved beating the crap out of anyone who even breathed a sigh. Jimmy
- 0801Nwas a prime suspect and everyone agreed he should get jumped on. Strangely,
- 0801Nother people got the hittings. I couldn't work it out at the time - why did
- 0801Nnobody punch Jimmy. It later transpired that nobody could bring themselves
- 0801Nto touch him in his pyjamas."
- 0801N
- 0801N"Ha, what a prick". That phrase was taken from another incident at primary
- 0801Nschool. One hot,sunny day we were all working away when the teacher told
- 0801NJimmy to close the curtains to stop the strong sunlight casting its way in.
- 0801NWhen Jimmy reached out to pull the string he pulled the wrong one and broke
- 0801Nthe curtains. This is when I shouted
- 0801N"Ha, what a prick". This got Jimmy very mad and at the end of the day when
- 0801Nwe were going home Jimmy attacked me from behind with his lethal 'neck grip'.
- 0801NThis fighting attack is just a feeble pinch on the neck, all you had to do is
- 0801Ngrab his arms, twist him around, throw him to the ground and rub his face
- 0801Ninto the dirt.
- 0801NI didn't know why Jimmy attacked me at that time so I quizzed him about it
- 0801Nbut he just kept trying to slap me on the head (he still does that now, but
- 0801Neverytime he does he just hurts his hand). Some time later he told me, so I
- 0801Njust left him alone for a while and went off with some 'normal' people. This
- 0801Nobviously left Jimmy lonely because there were very few people that ever
- 0801Nspoke to Jimmy so he ended up crawling back (still in the same soiled pants
- 0801Nand shat trainers he wore to the trip we went on a week earlier).
- 0801N
- 0801NThere are some other things to point out about Jimmy and the way he does
- 0801Nthings in his own 'particular' ways:
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C2Y11C5NThe SMILE - This consisted of pulling his lips back until they reached his
- 0801Nears and letting loose those lovely yellow/black teeth of his. The entire
- 0801Noperation of gum-pulling and teeth extending made it one of the more amusing
- 0801Nbut totally disgusting habits
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C2Y11C5NThe SWEAT - By 'sweat' I mean he pulled a benny. Jimmy did this whenever
- 0801Nanybody offended him or his parents or tried to make him shit himself by
- 0801Nhitting him on the shoulders. The facial expression was that of eyeball
- 0801Nbulging, eyebrow straightening, ear reddening, mouth straightening starey
- 0801Ntype look, only possible by Jimmy and his fuming nostrils. Teachers used to
- 0801Nenquire if Jimmy had any personal problems when they saw him look mad, we
- 0801Njust said that he had one of his bollocks cut off when he was younger (we
- 0801Nwere like that then and the teachers merely laughed at words like bollocks,
- 0801Nscrotem, penis and none when in reference to Jim).
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C2Y15C5NThe NOSEPICK - This was a most incredible manouvre that I have only seen
- 0801NJimmy do. It is very hard to describe but I'll try. All he does is bend his
- 0801Nhands in the shape of a shadow bird, invert his hands and rotate them, in
- 0801Nturn placing each knuckle up his nostril. On several occasions his sleeves
- 0801Nbecame so snot laden, from wiping his knuckles off that he extended the
- 0801Nwhole manouvre bringing the ectoplasmic (more reference to Ghostbusters
- 0801Nlater) up into his mouth and onto his tongue.
- 0806Y00C2N
- 0806Y09C5NThe RUN - Sports day was always a time for a friendly battle but it was also
- 0801Na time for Jimmy to show off his leprosy. When it was time for the 100
- 0801Nmetre sprint in Jimmy's team we couldn't resist laughing at Jimmy's 'stance'
- 0801Nwhilst in the starting position and the way his body seemed to be blown
- 0801Naround by the slightest gush of air.
- 0801N"On your marks, get set, GO!" - A roar of a laughter was to be heard as Jimmy
- 0801Nbegan his pathetic girl-style (not being sexist) run to the finish. His
- 0801Nentire torso being tossed around by the slightest bit of air. At the end of
- 0801Nthe race, Jimmy use to come pathetically last, about 50 metres behind the
- 0801Nperson before him. When he walked past we took the piss by telling him he
- 0801Nwas being thrown about in the wind...
- 0801N"I enjoyed being tossed, it gives me better acceleration", we just laughed AT
- 0801Nhim and pushed him back onto the track where he was trampled on by the 400m
- 0801Nracers.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C2Y17C5NThe HAIR BRUSH - This was just a swift movement with the hand through his
- 0801Nhair which made a large collection of extremely thick dandruff cascade down
- 0801Nhis back.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C2Y11C5NThe ITCH - This another of those 'Jimmy only' manoeuvres. Jimmy just gets
- 0801Nboth of his hands and does the most over exaggerated itch all over his body
- 0801Nwhilst crushing his face together and making about 100 wrinkles appear over
- 0801Nhis mud encrusted face.
- 0801N
- 0801N"I'm thirsty, look! WATER"
- 0801NA couple of months later we all got letters home saying 'pay us 100 quid and
- 0801Nwe'll take your children to Lake District'. Everybody went (we all chipped
- 0801Nin to take Jimmy so we could just laugh at him and kick him and stuff) and so
- 0801Nit was bound to be interesting. The bus ride there consisted of 'he likes
- 0801Nher' singalongs, it went through everybody except one person, yes, good old
- 0801NJimmy was the one who was conveniently left out, until someone started
- 0801N"Paul likes Jimmy..."
- 0801NWhen we arrived we were put into massive dormitories which split boys from
- 0801Ngirls, whoops, Jimmy was lost again. I was unfortunate to have to sleep near
- 0801N(about 10 feet away) from Jimmy so all I got all night was a strong odour
- 0801Ncoming from his shoes, and a wave of dandruff floating around and settling on
- 0801Nsurrounding objects. Yes it's true he was on top of me (something which he
- 0801Nstill boasts about today). The next day we all went on a walk up to the top
- 0801Nof a small mountain, it was hot, very hot, so when we all reached the top we
- 0801Nwere dying of thirst. Some of us were wise and took drinks with us, some
- 0801Njust didn't care about the thirst. Jimmy was the one of the ones who was
- 0801Nvery thirsty. People began to drink from a stream thinking it was 'pure
- 0801Nfresh mountain water', bad luck Jimmy and Co., it was a liquid coming from a
- 0801Nsewerage pipe a little further up the hill (more on sewerage later).
- 0801N
- 0801NAfter a while we returned to the hostel and had our tea. After that we just
- 0801Nlounged around watching TV and punching Jimmy and throwing sharp objects at
- 0801Nhim (like snooker cues and darts and big knives). When it was time to go to
- 0801Nbed we all just left and went to out beds and waited until the teachers had
- 0801Nsettled down. After about an hour of waiting we formulated a plan. We got
- 0801Nsomeone's camera flash and walked outside to the window of the girls dorm, we
- 0801Nthen let the flash rip up a couple of times to see what the girls reaction
- 0801Nwould be. There were just a few,
- 0801N"what was that" and
- 0801N"did you see that". We then decided it would be funnier and more scary to
- 0801Nget Jimmy and shove his mutha-fuckin' ugly face up to the window. Now that
- 0801NDID scare the shit out of the girls, there was just screaming girls and mad
- 0801Nrushing about inside the girls dorm. We swiftly returned to our dorm and
- 0801N'fell asleep'. Some of the girls are still traumatised by the 'disgusting,
- 0801Nugly, monster'.
- 0801N"Thank god," one girl said later that he had that dirty, ripped nightshirt
- 0801Non."
- 0801N
- 0801NWhen we returned it was only a couple of weeks to the end of school and that
- 0801Nmeant secondary school choice time. We tried everything to try to make Jimmy
- 0801Ngo to Crossley, or a small Australian out-back school (we were even prepared
- 0801Nto help him raise the money for his one way flight). But of course he came
- 0801Nto the same school as us (the sneaky, dirty little shat).
- 0801N
- 0801NThe last day of school arrived and we all got cards from the head teacher.
- 0801NWe went outside and signed each others cards and we had quite a collection of
- 0801Nnames in them by the end of the day. Everybody's name was in everybody
- 0801Nelses card, except one, just one name never appeared, that name was "Jim".
- 0801N
- 0801NThe bell went, it was time to leave. We roared out, hitting Jimmy as we
- 0801Npassed, spinning him around in the gust of wind generated, glad to be free
- 0801Nfrom primary school. (little did we know what Secondary school was to be
- 0801Nlike)
- 0801N
- 0801NThat is Jimmy's small and seemingly pointless presence at primary school
- 0801Nfinished but it is what happened at Secondary School that made him into the
- 0801N'man' he is today...
- 0801N
- *!EOF